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Version: v2

OIBus developer handbook

Steps to try out the application

  • Clone the repository : git clone
  • Run command npm install in project root
  • Run command npm run internal:build:web-client. It will create a build/web-client folder for the frontend bundle. If you edit the frontend and want to auto-recompile the bundle, you can instead use the command npm run watch:web-client.
  • Run command npm start (this will start both the backend and frontend)
  • Open up in the browser the following url: http://localhost:2223. The port is specified in the default-config.json file (currently 2223 is the default port, it can be changed locally in your own config file generated at project startup)

The folder data-folder is used to store the cache, logs and configuration files.

The project is up and running, but currently there are no South or North connectors. A simple way to try out OIBus is to create a FolderScanner South connector and a Console North connector.

Run database servers

With the help of the tests/docker-compose.yml file, we can run a few databases with the following command:

npm run test:setup-env

The following services will start: mysql, mssql, postgresql. If you want to change the credentials or the ports for the services, you can create your own .env file that won't be pushed to the repository. Note that in this case you will need to replace the environment file path to ./.env in the command above (package.json).

Commit and branch naming conventions

The default branch is main, every new branches should be created from here.

Branch naming convention: descriptive-name-of-the-issue#<issue-number>

For example: fix-folder-scanner-path#1564

Commits and PR name convention must follow the conventional commits standard