
The manifest

With this JSON, you can specify what fields are required to configure your connector, what type of fields, etc...

  • id: The id of your manifest (must not be used by another manifest)
  • name: The name used for display
  • category: The type of manifest. Existing categories are: iot, api, database, file.
  • description: What your connector does, briefly summarized.
  • modes: How your connector will integrate with OIBus.
    • For South
      • subscription: Can your connector subscribe ? If so, it must implements QueriesSubscription class.
      • lastPoint: Can your connector request a point ? If so the value will be retrieved as JSON payload and the connector must implement the QueriesLastPoint interface.
      • lastFile: Can your connector request a file ? If so, the connector must implement the QueriesFile interface.
      • history: Can your connector request a history ? If so, the connector must implement the QueriesHistory interface.
      • If true, it will be possible to create history queries from your connector type.
    • For North
      • files: Can manage files. If so, the connector must implement the HandlesFile interface.
      • points: Can manage JSON payload. If so, the connector must implement the HandlesValues interface.
  • settings: An array of settings which represents the inputs to configure your connector. See the settings section
  • items (South only): A section to describe how to configure the items to query
    • scanMode:
      • acceptSubscription: Is it possible to use subscription for an item? Example: OPCUA
      • subscriptionOnly: Is subscription the only choice for each item? Example: MQTT
    • settings: An array of settings which represents the inputs to configure your item. See the settings section


All settings have common fields, used for display or validation. These common fields are:

  • Main fields
    • key: The field, written in camelCase
    • type: One of the type described below, starting with the Oib prefix
    • defaultValue (optional): must match the type (string, number, boolean...)
  • Display settings
    • label: What to display in the form
    • pipe (optional): A pipe to translate the options
    • unitLabel (optional): The unit of the value
    • newRow: Should this input start a new row?
    • class: Bootstrap compatible CSS classes, mainly used to display each input in the row with col-4, col, etc.
    • displayInViewMode: Should this input be shown on the display page of a connector
  • Validation
    • conditionalDisplay: The other field to monitor according to which the current field is displayed or not. The validators apply only if the current field is displayed. See example below.
    • validators: An array of Angular validators. See example below
Conditional display example
"field": "authentication", "values": ["basic"]
Validator example
"key": "required"
"key": "maxLength",
"params": {
"maxLength": 50

Then, each type of fields comes with its frontend logic and backend type safety. Some types add more fields.


Create an input of type text in the frontend, and a field of type string in the TypeScript model.


Create a textarea input in the frontend, and a field of type string in the TypeScript model.


Create a code block with monaco editor in the frontend, and a field of type string in the TypeScript model. Additional field:

  • contentType: The language to set up the editor on the frontend (example: sql, json).


Create an input of type number in the frontend, and a field of type number in the TypeScript model.


Create an input of type select in the frontend, and a field of type string in the TypeScript model. Additional field:

  • options: The options to display in the select


Create an input of type password in the frontend, and a field of type string in the TypeScript model. This field does not show what is typed in the frontend, and indicate OIBus to encrypt the input.


Create an input of type checkbox in the frontend (customized in a toggle), and a field of type boolean in the TypeScript model.


Create an input of type select in the frontend, and a field of type string in the TypeScript model. The options are the available timezones.

Group settings

It is possible to group settings together, inside a structure or inside an array.


OibArray will be displayed... as an array where you can add or delete rows: each row will have the fields described in the content fields. See the dateTimeFields builder as an example.


Group settings in another structure. Specially useful to apply a conditonalDisplay to a group of settings, and add other conditionalDisplays inside the structure


The items form (create, or update) can be called from the Item array of the display or edit page of a South connector. All items must have a name, a scanMode (that can be hidden if it only accepts subscription) and specific settings described in the manifest.

Create or update your data types

If you create a new connector, add it in the buildSouthInterfaceName or buildNorthInterfaceName method of the settings-interface.generator.ts file.

Once your manifest is ready, you can generate the appropriate types by running in the backend folder:

npm run generate-settings-interface

This command will parse all the manifest files found in the backend folder and create the TypeScript types according to each field description.

You will be able to call them with the customized name South<ConnectorType>Settings and South<ConnectorType>ItemSettings.


Once the command has run, if the types have changed, the next run will fail. You will have to update your code to adapt it to the new types first.