
Concept and installation

The OIBus Agent is a specialized tool designed to handle protocol-specific queries via HTTP. It is primarily used for Windows-only technologies, such as OPC Classic™, OLEDB, and OSIsoft PI System™. Additionally, it natively supports certain protocols, like ODBC, to ensure optimal performance.

The primary purpose of the OIBus Agent is to integrate seamlessly with OIBus and its South connectors. However, it can also function independently via its API. This documentation provides a detailed overview of the API, organized protocol by protocol.



Unzip the archive, from which you will get three files:

  • OIBusAgent.exe: binary used to run the agent
  • install-agent.bat: script used to install the agent as a Windows service
  • uninstall-agent.bat: script used to uninstall the service


By default, running install-agent.bat install the agent as a service with the name OIBusAgent and will listen to port 2224:


But it is also possible to specify a name and a port through the command line:

install-agent.bat -n="My OIBus Agent" -p=2225


If the agent has been set up with default values, running the uninstallation script is enough:


If the agent has been installed with a specific name, you must specify its name:

uninstall-agent.bat -n="My OIBus Agent"

Running the agent

If you just want to run the agent without using the service manager, simply run the following command in a terminal:


That will run the OIBus agent on its default HTTP port 2224. You can specify another port with:

OIBusAgent.exe -p 2225