📄️ Common South settings
Add a connector
📄️ SQL
The SQL connector allows you to run an SQL query at regular intervals and retrieve the results as CSV files.
📄️ Folder Scanner
The Folder Scanner connector periodically checks the input folder for new files at an interval specified by the scan
OPCUA technology is a protocol for accessing data in read or write mode. The data are organized in a tree-like address
📄️ OPCHDA (Windows only)
OPCDA and OPCHDA are communication protocols used in the industrial world and developed by the
📄️ Modbus
Modbus is a communication protocol used for PLC networks. Historically, it was designed for communication on a serial
📄️ ADS - TwinCAT
The ADS protocol (Automation Device Specification) is a transport layer within TwinCAT systems, developed by
MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is a real-time messaging protocol for exchanging data by topic with a