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A South connector is responsible for fetching data from a specific data source and forwarding that data into North caches. Each connector can request multiple items, and the nature of each item varies depending on the connector type. For example, an MQTT item subscribes to a topic from a remote broker, while an MSSQL item regularly queries a Microsoft SQL database.

To add a South connector, navigate to the South page and click the '+' button. Choose one of the available South connector types and complete its settings. The form structure may vary based on the selected connector type, but certain principles remain consistent.

You can monitor the status of the South connector from its display page or make adjustments to its settings.

General settings

  • Name: The connector's name serves as a user-friendly label to help you easily identify its purpose.
  • Description: You have the option to include a description to provide additional context, such as details about the connection, access rights, or any unique characteristics.
  • Toggle: You can enable or disable the connector using the toggle switch. Additionally, you can toggle the connector from either the South connector list or its dedicated display page (accessible via the magnifying glass icon of the list page).

Specific section

Specific settings for the connector can be found in the respective connector's documentation for more detailed information.

Testing connection

The Test settings button provides a convenient way to verify and test your connection settings.

Item section

Items are entities responsible for retrieving data from the targeted data source, which can be fetched as either files or JSON payloads. A South connector can handle several items. When editing an item, you'll need to provide the following information:

  • Name: The item's name serves as a reference for North target applications. It must be unique within a given South connector.
  • Scan mode: The scan mode indicates to OIBus when to request data. Some connectors (such as MQTT or OPCUA) may have a subscription scan mode where the broker (MQTT) or server (OPCUA) sends data to OIBus.
  • Specific settings for items may vary based on the connector type.

Additionally, each item can be disabled either from the item's edit form or from the connector's display page. When an item is disabled, it will not be requested by the connector.

Testing an item

The settings of an item and its result can be tested using the associated button, which is accessible from the edit or create modal of the item.


Ensure the connection settings have been successfully tested before proceeding to test the item.

Item export

You can export items into a CSV file with the following columns:

  • name: The name of the item.
  • enabled: A value of 1 if the item is enabled, or 0 if it's disabled.
  • scanMode: The name of the scan mode.
  • settings_*: All specific settings for the item.

The exported file will be named after the connector: connector.csv.

Item import

You can import items from a CSV file. To do this, it's recommended to first export a list of items so that you have a properly formatted file to use as a template for importing.


When you upload a CSV file, the system will perform checks for duplicates and validate the settings. After the validation process, all correctly formatted items will be added.

Changing scan mode and max instant issue

History-capable South connectors maintain a record of the last maximum instant in the cache.db database's cache_history table. This section provides an in-depth explanation of how the max instant, associated with scan modes and items, operates.

For Database South connectors, the Max instant per item option is always enabled and cannot be changed. In South connectors like OPCUA (in HA mode), users have the choice to maintain one max instant per item, even if they share the same scan mode, or to group items with the same scan mode together, resulting in a single max instant.

Max instant per item is enabled

Change an item’s scan mode

Changing an item's scan mode results in the removal of the previous cache entry and the creation of a new cache entry, utilizing the preceding max_instant.

  • Example: changing the scan mode of item1 from scan_prev to scan_new.

    cache_history table (in cache.db database) before change


    cache_history table (in cache.db database) after change

Remove an item

It deletes the item from the south_items table in the config.db database and the corresponding entry from the cache_history table in the cache.db database.

Remove the south

It removes all linked items from the south_items table in the config.db database and their associated entries from the cache_history table in the cache.db database.

Max instant per item is disabled

Change an item’s scan mode
  • Example: The new scan mode is not present in the cache_history table (in cache.db database) It removes the previous cache entry, but only if there are no other items utilizing the previous scan mode. Subsequently, it creates a new cache entry, utilizing the previous max_instant.

    south_items table (in config.db database) before change


    cache_history table (in cache.db database) before change


    south_items table (in config.db database) after change


    cache_history table (in cache.db database) after change


    In this scenario, a new cache entry is generated (south1 → scan_new), but the old one (south1 → scan_prev) is retained because item2 still employs the previous scan mode.


    If item1 was the sole item using scan_prev, the south1 → scan_prev entry would have been deleted. Consequently, if the scan mode for item1 is reverted to scan_prev, it will adopt the max_instant of the scan_new. However, if the south1 → scan_prev combination still exists, please refer to the next case.

  • Example: The new scan mode is present in the cache_history table (in cache.db database) It removes the previous cache entry, but only if there are no other items using the previous scan mode, and it will not create a new cache entry nor update the existing max_instant.

    south_items table (in config.db database) before change


    cache_history table (in cache.db database) before change


    south_items table (in config.db database) after change


    cache_history table (in cache.db database) after change


    In this case, a new cache entry is not created (south1 → scan_new) because it already exists in the table. Additionally, scan_prev is not removed because item2 still utilizes it.


    If item1 was the only item using scan_prev, the south1 → scan_prev entry would have been removed.

    However, two issues arise:

    • item1 is now utilizing a max_instant that is one month in the past compared to its previous max_instant. This results in duplicate queries between the two max_instant. As item1 transitions from scan_prev ( 2024-02-16) to scan_new (2024-01-16), it retroactively processes data for the previous month.
    • Conversely, the same situation can occur in the opposite manner, resulting in a month's worth of data not being retrieved.
Remove an item

It deletes the cache entry in the cache.db database only if there are no other items utilizing the same scan mode as the item.

Remove the south

It removes all linked items from the south_items table in the config.db database and their associated entries from the cache_history table in the cache.db database.

Max instant per item disabledenabled

It removes all cache entries with item_id all linked to the south, and it creates new cache entries for each item. The max_instant of these new entries will be the max_instant of the previously removed ones, based on scan mode.

  • Example south_items table (in config.db database) before change


    cache_history table (in cache.db database) before change


    south_items table (in config.db database) after change


    cache_history table (in cache.db database) after change


Max instant per item enableddisabled

It removes all cache entries associated with the south and establishes new cache entries for the scan modes utilized by the items. Only one entry is added per scan mode. Each new cache entry will have the latest max_instant from the list of previous items using the scan mode of that entry.

  • Example south_items table (in config.db database) before change


    cache_history table (in cache.db database) before change


    south_items table (in config.db database) after change


    cache_history table (in cache.db database) after change


    In this case the max_instant for scan_prev is set to 2024-02-20 instead of 2024-02-16, because it’s a newer date. It may cause data loss.