OSIsoft PI System™
OSIsoft PI System™ is a software platform used for collecting, and visualizing data from industrial operations. These data can be retrieved through the OSIsoft PI driver embedded in our OIBus Agent.
The OIBus Agent must be installed on a Windows machine. It can be installed on the same machine as OSIsoft PI or on another machine with the PI SDK properly configured.
Specific settings
OIBus exchanges commands and data with the PI Agent through an HTTP communication. Therefore, several fields must be filled to make OIBus communicate with the PI Agent:
- Remote agent URL: Specify the URL of the remote OIBus agent, e.g.,
. - Retry interval: Time to wait before retrying connection.
Throttling settings
For South connectors capable of historical data retrieval, you have the flexibility to request data in intervals. These intervals can vary in size, depending on factors such as the chosen scan mode or the presence of prolonged network failures.
To handle such scenarios, the throttling settings enable you to divide large intervals into smaller sub-intervals, each no longer than the specified Max read interval (in seconds). These sub-intervals are requested with a delay defined by the Read delay setting (in milliseconds).
In certain situations, adding an overlap to the query can be beneficial. You can achieve this by configuring
the overlap field (in milliseconds): it will subtract this specified number of milliseconds from the @StartTime
variable of the subsequent query.
Item settings
When configuring each item to retrieve data in JSON payload, you'll need to specify the following specific settings:
- Type: pointId to access a point through its fully qualified ID, or pointQuery to access a list of points that
- Point ID: The fully qualified ID of the point (without the server name)
- Point Query: A selector to access multiple points at once. See this documentation for example.
The name of the item will serve as a reference in JSON payloads if the type is pointId. For pointQuery items, the PI name will be used as reference.
OSIsoft PI SDK configuration
When the OIBus Agent is installed on the machine of OSIsoft PI, there is no need to set a connection between the agent and PI because de SDK is included in PI System Access (PSA).
However, some situations ask to install the OIBus Agent remotely, with the SDK.
When installing the SDK, specify the default data server.
User creation and configuration
Create a user account on the machine domain (this domain must be accessible from both machines). If the domain does not exist and cannot be created, it is possible to create one user on each machine, with the same password.
OIBus Agent must be run with the user created on the previous step.
Trust configuration
Open PI System Management Tools and create a trust from the Mapping & Trusts
section, in the Trusts
- IP address and Net Mask of the OIBus Agent machine
- Domain (if existing)
- PI Identity: choose the identity that needs to connect into PI
The trust has been added on the trust list:
Mapping creation
Still on the PI System Management Tools, create a mapping from the Mapping & Trusts
section, in the Mappings
- Select the user used by the OIBus Agent service
- PI Identity: the identity indicated in the trust
The mapping has been added on the mapping list:
It is possible to access the logs from PI System Management Tools in Operation
→ Messages Logs