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Version: v3

OSIsoft PI

OSIsoft PI is a software platform used for collecting, and visualizing data from industrial operations. These data can be retrieved through the OSIsoft PI driver embedded in our OIBus Agent, in a dedicated PI module.


The OIBus Agent must be installed on a Windows machine to use the PI module.

Specific settings

OIBus exchanges commands and data with the PI Agent through an HTTP communication. Therefore, several fields must be filled to make OIBus communicate with the PI Agent:

  • Remote agent URL: Specify the URL of the remote OIBus agent, e.g., http://ip-address-or-host:2224.
  • Retry interval: Time to wait before retrying connection.

Item settings

When configuring each item to retrieve data in JSON payload, you'll need to specify the following specific settings:

  • Type: pointId to access a point through its fully qualified ID, or pointQuery to access a list of points that
  • Point ID: The fully qualified ID of the point (without the server name)
  • Point Query: A selector to access multiple points at once. See this documentation for example.

The name of the item will serve as a reference in JSON payloads if the type is pointId. For pointQuery items, the PI name will be used as reference.