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Version: v3


OPCUA, which stands for OPC Unified Architecture, is a protocol designed for accessing data in both read and write modes. The data is organized within a tree-like address space and is referenced using unique identifiers known as node IDs. OPCUA is a modern standard that is based on TCP/IP and has replaced older OPC HDA/DA technologies (refer to the OPCHDA connector). It is often natively embedded in industrial controllers.

OPCUA incorporates two variants of the protocol: HA (Historical Access) and DA (Data Access). In HA mode, you can access a history of values over a specified time interval for the requested data points, whereas in DA mode, you can access the values at each request or listen to changes in the values.

OIBus integrates both OPCUA modes (HA and DA) in read-only mode, using the node-opcua library.

Specific settings

To establish a connection to an OPCUA server, OIBus requires several settings:

  • URL: This is the string used to connect to the server, and it follows the format opc.tcp://<host>:<port>/<server-name>.
  • Retry interval : The time to wait between reconnection attempts in the event of a connection failure.
  • Security Mode : Communication can be secured using the security mode and security policy fields. Available security modes include: None, Sign, SignAndEncrypt.
  • Security Policy (Applicable when Security mode is not None): Security policies define the level of security for communication. Available security policies include: None, Basic128, Basic192, Basic256, Basic128Rsa15, Basic192Rsa15, Basic256Rsa15, Basic256Sha256, Aes128_Sha256_RsaOaep, PubSub_Aes128_CTR, PubSub_Aes256_CTR.
  • Authentication: Authentication options include None, Basic, and Certificate. Refer to the security settings for more details.
Compatibility with the OPCUA server

It's essential to choose a security mode and security policy that are supported by the OPCUA server you are connecting to. Ensuring compatibility is crucial for a successful connection.

Item settings

When configuring each item to retrieve data in JSON payload, you'll need to specify the following specific settings:

  • Node ID: The Node ID corresponds to the path of the data within the appropriate namespace on the OPCUA server. It's essential to consider the supported node format of the server, which may use either numbers or strings. For example, on Prosys, ns=3;i=1001 matches ns=3;s=Counter.
  • Mode: You can select either HA (Historical Access) or DA (Data Access) mode, depending on your requirements.
  • Aggregate (HA mode only): In HA mode, there is an option to aggregate the retrieved values over the requested interval.
  • Resampling (HA mode only): Similarly, in HA mode, you can choose to resample the retrieved values at the requested interval.
Compatibility with the OPCUA server

It's important to note that not all aggregation and resampling options are supported by OPCUA servers. To avoid compatibility issues, it's recommended to use Raw aggregation and None resampling whenever possible. Additionally, ensure that the selected mode (HA or DA) is supported by the server you are connecting to.

The name of the item will serve as a reference in JSON payloads, specifically in the pointID field for the North application.

Security settings


When using a security mode other than None, a certificate is required to sign and potentially encrypt the communications. OIBus generates a self-signed certificate for securing communication with the OPCUA server during startup. You can locate the certificate used by OPCUA in the opcua folder of the South cache. This certificate must be trusted by the OPCUA server to enable secure communication.

Example on Prosys OPCUA Simulation Server

Prosys OPCUA Simulation Server Certificates If the certificate is not trusted by the OPCUA server, you may encounter an error with the message: Error: The connection may have been rejected by the server.


The certificate used for client authentication must be added to the trusted user certificates list on the OPCUA server. It is managed separately from the self-signed certificate mentioned earlier, which is used for securing communication.

Example on Prosys OPCUA Simulation Server

For Prosys OPC UA servers, the certificate used to authenticate OIBus must be placed in the .prosysopc\prosys-opc-ua-simulation-server\USERS_PKI\CA\certs folder. Failure to do so may result in an error with the message: Error: serviceResult = BadIdentityTokenRejected (0x80210000).

If a connection has previously been attempted and rejected, you should remove the certificate from the rejected certificates folder (.prosysopc\prosys-opc-ua-simulation-server\USERS_PKI\CA\rejected) and move it to the trusted folder (.prosysopc\prosys-opc-ua-simulation-server\USERS_PKI\CA\certs).

Use the same certificate for user authentication and secure communications

The same certificate can be used for both sign and encrypt operations and for authentication. To do that, the cert.pem and private.pem file paths must be specified. They are located in the south cache data stream folder (inside the opcua directory).

On the OPCUA server side, the self-signed certificate (cert.pem) must be copied in the user certificates' folder.

For example, with Prosys OPCUA Simulation Server: .prosysopc\prosys-opc-ua-simulation-server\USERS_PKI\CA\certs.

Using certificates with ProSys OPC UA Simulation Server

You can create your self-signed certificate to authenticate OIBus with the Cert method.

  1. Create a cert.conf file:
[ req ]
default_bits = 2048
default_md = sha256
distinguished_name = subject
req_extensions = req_ext
x509_extensions = req_ext
string_mask = utf8only
prompt = no

[ req_ext ]
basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
nsCertType = client, server
keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment, keyCertSign
extendedKeyUsage= serverAuth, clientAuth
nsComment = "OIBus User Cert"
subjectAltName = URI:urn:opcua:user:oibus,IP:

[ subject ]
countryName = FR
stateOrProvinceName = FR
localityName = Chambéry
organizationName = OI
commonName = oibus
  1. Create a private key and certificate using the cert.conf:
openssl req -new -x509 -keyout oibus.key -out oibus.pem -config cert.conf
  1. Remove private key passphrase:
openssl rsa -in oibus.key -out oibus.key
  1. Create DER cert for ProSys:
openssl x509 -inform PEM -outform DER -in oibus.pem -out oibus.der
  1. Copy the DER cert in ProSys USERS_PKI certificate folder: prosys-opc-ua-simulation-server\USERS_PKI\CA\certs