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Version: v2

Health signal

A message can be sent regularly to the logs or to an HTTP endpoint to give information about OIBus status.


When enabled, the health signal is sent to the logs with an info criticality, at the desired frequency. It will be sent to the appropriate channels (console, file, SQLite, loki...) according to the logging settings.


It is also possible to send the OIBus health signal to a remote HTTP endpoint as a JSON payload:

"version": "OIBus version",
"architecture": "OS architecture",
"executable": "path to the OIBus binary",
"processId": "Process ID",
"hostname": "OS hostname",
"osRelease": "OS release",
"osType": "OS type",
"id": "OIBusName"

To do so, activate the HTTP signal and fill in the following fields:

  • Host: the hostname or IP address
  • Endpoint: endpoint that will receive the JSON payload
  • Frequency: time interval between HTTP signals (in s)
  • Proxy: select a proxy to use if needed
  • Verbose: to have more details about the status of OIBus

Also fill in the authentication section according to the authentication method used in the target endpoint.