Send SQL queries to a remote OIBus Agent that can manage OLEDB queries on the same machine as the server.
The OIBus agent can be installed separately, as specified in its documentation.
This connector proves valuable when retrieving data from OSIsoft PI OLEDB interfaces or other OLEDB-compatible applications.
Specific settings
- Remote agent URL: Specify the URL of the remote OIBus agent, e.g., http://ip-address-or-host:2224.
- Connection string: The OLEDB connection string.
- Connection timeout: Timeout setting for establishing the connection.
- Request timeout: Determine the timeout duration for each query.
- Retry interval: Time to wait before retrying connection.
在 South 连接器中,每个项目都可以根据选择的扫描模式进行配置以被查询。同一个 South 连接器内可以配置对同一数据库的多个查询。OIBus 将依次执行这些查询, 准备输出文件,然后将其发送到 North 连接器。
South 连接器中的查询字段接受 SQL 语法,并且可以利用几个内部变量。这些变量用于多种目的,包括在连接失败时增强数据流的韧性以及将大时间间隔分解为更小的块,这有助于减轻服务器和网络的负载。更多信息,请参考大查询部分。