
OSIsoftPI → OIAnalytics


OSIsoft PI is a software suite used for real-time data management and analytics in industrial settings, providing tools to collect, store, and analyze time-series data from various sources. It supports operational efficiency, process optimization, and decision-making across industries like manufacturing, energy, and utilities.

Details regarding the configurations can be located on the North OIAnalytics and South OSIsoft PI connectors pages.

This use case requires the installation of an OIBus Agent and is based on the depicted fictional network scenario.

OSIsoft PI -> OIAnalytics use case

You can either install the OIBus Agent on the same machine as OSIsoft PI, or install it on a remote machine where the OSIsoft PI SDK is installed. More information can be found on the OSIsoft PI SDK settings.

South PI

Enter the Remote agent URL. From the example, the value here is http://localhost:2224.

OSIsoft PI settings

Testing connection

You can verify the connection by testing the settings using the Test settings button.


OSIsoft PI items can be of two types:

  • Point ID: Retrieve time values for a single point.
  • Query: Retrieve time values for a list of points that match a regex-like query.

Point ID

OSIsoft PI item point ID settings


When using a query, the item name is used solely for logging purposes. The actual name attached to the data corresponds to the references of the points found by the query.

OSIsoft PI item query settings



验证OIAnalytics平台是否可以从安装了OIBus的机器访问。为此,请在网络浏览器的地址栏中输入OIAnalytics URL。如果页面正确加载,则可以访问OIAnalytics。如果不行,请确保您的网络防火墙允许连接。

连接问题可能是由于端口规则(HTTPS / 443,虽然非常不可能)或域名规则。咨询您的IT团队以添加允许通信的规则。


在OIAnalytics平台内,导航至配置设置。 在用户管理部分,创建具有以下访问权限的概要文件:

  • 值:查询 | 更新
  • 文件上传:更新资源

然后为具有此类概要文件的用户创建用户,并为其生成访问密钥。 注意安全地存储密钥和秘密:它们将被用来设置北方OIAnalytics连接器。


创建OIAnalytics北方连接器并填写相关字段。 保存前,请使用测试设置按钮检查连接。